Rhubarb growing. Robins swooping.
Well the weather hasn’t improved, but I’m raring to go. Up to the allotment to see what I can achieve.
I stalked the plot and looked for signs of growth. A few, very few weeds peeking through. Using Jana’s rake that is sitting in the shed, I raked all the beds to a finer level. The soil is like dried cannonballs of clay on top and crumbly grit underneath. I don’t think there has been much rain at all since I was away. In fact there was none.
Taking a break to inhale some leftover pasta, I went up to the wheelie bin to see that the tarp is secure. It is, and to check the level of water. Puddle depth inside. To actually get water out of the bin, I’ll have to throw myself in. It barely covers half a foot in the bottom.
While up there looking at my bags of rubbish (no sign of the skip in the car park either) I also inspected the daffs under the apple trees (no sign of blooms). I am getting repetitive. And I will rue this time when nothing very much is moving. It will all get on top of me in no time.
Planted the grape hyacinths under the tree.
Planted two rows (8 tubers per row) of Lady Christl first early potatoes. (Felt like a complete idiot digging a trench, placing the potatoes and not having enough soil to put back in place. Scavenging easy soil from other beds to cover up the tubers, all the while looking over my shoulder to check that no one was watching such an amateur patch up. Covered with fleece and wished them luck.)
Planted another row of Red Baron onions.
Rhubarb growing.
Robins swooping.
So much for a detailed diary – I think my brain is addled by all the fresh air.
Called Jana to ask about the payment (fees due April) and she admitted she hasn’t visited since January. We chatted carefully, and she asked whether I have managed to get up there myself. I was extremely self-effacing and admitted that I have done a bit of soil turning. What a show off I am. I can’t wait for her to see the progress. But hope that she doesn’t blanch at the amount of stuff in the very small shed. The wheelbarrow alone takes up half the space. And if she is there gardening, how will I pee?
Vegetable: Red Onion Red Baron
How many?: 1 row
How planted?: Directly into the soil
Notes: Bed 2
Vegetable: Potato Lady Christ
How many?: 2 rows (8 tubers)
How planted?: Directly into the soil
Notes: Bed 1