
Glory be it rained! That stuff that falls out of the sky. Except we haven’t seen it for months and months and months.  And in 24 hours we copped a total of 70mm (3 inches). It was bliss.


I didn’t even begrudge the loss of power overnight with storms and thunder rumbling overhead.

I woke super early and had to wait impatiently for dawn to go and check the rain gauge.

IMG_0691I haven’t poured this much out since spring. I suspect my hand was shaking with delight as the picture is all blurry. But believe me. Three good inches is utter bliss. And it means the badgers might be able to hunt for worms and grubs closer to their burrow down below the vineyard, and stop coming and digging up my garden.

I had to nip to the post office for a parcel earlier in the day and naturally one can’t drive all that way to town without a treat from the patisserie on the way back.

One religieuse au chocolat later and you can guess what I did in between gentle rain squalls.

IMG_0673Yep. Furious raking.

IMG_0667Most people rake leaves off their lawn. I just spent almost two hours raking leaves off beige brown bits. But still. Have to give the lawn a chance to revive after this rain.


The teensy green patch you see if the area that must be directly above an underground spring at the base of the wall.

All the rest is just dreadful promise of lawn to come.

IMG_0666And in case you were wondering whether Artur was disturbed by the thunder and lightning observe his new daytime spot.

Yes, in among his portraits in the potting shed.


He has been enjoying a lot of pampering since his disappearance and return. A blazing log fire at night is just not complete without a snoring purring fur ball in front.