More roses

Fleeting, ephemeral, petals all over the garden.

I felt I had to post these because they have already gone.

I was going to write a proper story showing you the potager today. Alas for you I have a farm full of house guests. Which means, yay, I have time off!  Well it’s mad entertaining, cooking and walking around the countryside picking cherries.

But that’s fun. It means I don’t get up and consult which weeds need to be attacked in which particular order and prepare laborious To Do tasks.

So do what I am doing this weekend. Smell the roses.

I have two other varieties of David Austin roses which are not as beefy in their glory just yet. Munstead Wood and Tess of the d’Urbervilles. The shy cousins to the brash gush of the Gertrude Jekylls.

But I’m pleased the one I planted against the wall of the potting shed (to hide my shoddy paint removal exercise) is flowering.

One day, any year now, it will emulate the gorgeous ones against the walls of an hotel in Chalencon. One can but hope.