Momentous day
Well you can’t pass up a 10th of the 10th of the 10th without comment. The scary thing is I remember the 7th of the 7th 77 way too vividly. It was the only day in my school career as a poor maths student that I enjoyed. And that was just writing the date at the top of my workbook. The rest was an apoplectic blur of Miss Hind going a bit purple in the face, very close up and hissing ‘look, it’s perfectly simple to understand, fractions are easy to calculate’.
Well, I still count on my fingers and can’t do fractions, but my memory isn’t that bad.
My calculations were much more pleasurable this decade. Andrew and I counted out bulbs from his massive Dutch order and I came away with a wondrous car full of loot. Paper White Narcissus (100), Allium Purple Sensation (200), Narcissus Thalia (300), Tulip Mount Tacoma (200), Anenome Blanda White (100) Blue (100) and Allium Christophii (50).
A perfect way to spend a wet autumn Sunday. Easy drive down and back – with only a minor diversion of one startled deer in headlights on the way back – four hours round trip.
A tour of the garden and a possible location for the polytunnel, endless cups of tea and chat about design and plants. Then luncheon and for dessert, a trip out to a new huge landscape project for Andrew in the forest the other side of Les Vans.
Tomorrow when I am back to a schedule, I shall upload my pictures of the last day of the shed. An occasion I have neglected, so far, to post.