Many happy returns
Ah it’s lovely to be back. We have been in the Cevennes for the past four days; enjoying the mountains, and visiting villages. And being a busman’s holiday, I managed to visit other people’s gardens too.
I’ll try and fill in more news on the adventure, but right know it’s my garden that needs a look in.
We left in a heat wave and I tried not to fuss too much about the watering. There was predicted rain, and in fact we had a thrilling 4mm while we were away.
But it was a parched sight on our return.
But this is the turn. It’s my favourite time of year when the light is sharper, the days are warm but it’s definitely heading to autumn. And it’s no longer 34C but 28. Coming down.
And speaking of autumn, here is the Autumn Joy sedum just turning. I almost prefer the sedum when it stays relentlessly green, but it will suit the asters next to the plants in the east garden.
I had to do a fast water first thing; and deadhead all the poor asters which were parched.
And all this was done before we found out that our town water supply had run out and we were dealing with a puddle in our source. Well, half a metre of water in a 12 cubic metre tank. But it still felt risky to be watering when there were showers for four people, plus cooking and cleaning.
I twinkled up to the potting shed in search of one elderly cat. He was ensconsed. But deigned to be patted and only gave me the sulky glare for about half an hour before he sat on my lap for a cuddle. That’s the best welcome home.