January bouquets
Well, hello strangers.
This exceptionally long blank period is sponsored by the good people at Orange who supply my internet communication.
Or as we say this past ten days. Don’t.
Defective bits of kit, hopeless customer service. 100 km round trip visits to shops that supply the incorrect SIM cards….
I wanted to weep but that would have been a sign of weakness. And believe me, there is only so many times in a day when you hear the words ‘I’m just trying to find your dossier in our system Madame’ that you don’t want to weep.
My tally this morning was three separate departments. And the only time they showed animation was my threat not to give them a five star feedback in the obligatory ‘how did we do?’
Fingers crossed I get things sorted on Tuesday. I’m miserable without it.
So instead I have been wielding secateurs and rakes and generally losing myself in outdoor chores. Heaps to show you!
We aren’t there yet. But I am hot spotting myself with a mobile phone near the laptop and data roaming charges be damned.
The month and the year began with a good sorting of the dried flowers that have been hanging above my desk for months.
I have boxed them up and now just pluck out bits in colour order for the bouquets.
The yellow achillea are excellent for brightening the foliage.
Yes, the bouquets continue.
Basically, I cheat.
I put in a lot of foliage and interesting bits from the winter garden.
And then add in some dried dahlias and helichrysums for a bit of colour.
Add in some stems from the willow tree above the top potager and viburnum flowers and that’s your colour.
I have the first daffodils out in this exceptionally mild month.
Narcissus January King. Just a few. But enough to make it look like I can provide a pleasing bouquet.
At least you can eat half of it – bay leaves and rosemary.