Iris season
Okay, now I can type. I had misplaced my wireless mouse for the past two days. Which might give you a hint as to the state of my office. Or my mind. And I can’t sort out the pictures if I can’t manipulate the keypad.
So, mouse found (in another person’s office!) on we go.
You have been regaled by my first crop of iris – the sensible purples, the ridiculous yellows, a few pale blues.
Now you get the second flush of flowers.
Behold my favourite spring plant.
Bloomin’ marvellous.
These are the crimsons I am building up on the edge in the orchard. And a few precious ones on the iris bank between the barn garden near the potting shed.
They are almost inky black when they start to flower.
And they very helpfully have a slight crimson flush on the base of the leaves. So you can actually spot them in the garden even when they aren’t flowering.
And new this year.
Caramel coloured ones.
Where on earth did I get these? If you gave them to me, thank you! Or do I just need to go back through the archives and see that I have had these all the time.
I divided a lot of the plants last year, and they have a lot more room in the orchard.
I’ll be dividing much more assiduously from now on. Because the rewards are a real treat.
And this orchard bank needs to be covered in more vertical plants.
It works in the barn garden where I am wading past these beauties right now.
Easily three feet tall. And unlike the yellow ones, they don’t flop.