Grassy path
Tada. Twenty five grasses all in a wonky row. They had a night soaking in water, and I didn’t have to prepare the soil as it was pristine and well raked. And there is no problem with the drainage as the stones underneath will help with that.
I agonised about how to group the plants. But decided that this will be the first layer just to get some roots down and bind the path. Later I can do more creative things like weave some low growing gaura or other such hardy plants.
Planting was a doddle. Especially as it was only 7am and deliciously cool. Wish it were like this for hours and hours instead of teensy window of opportunity each morning.
I promise to water diligently a few times a week just to save them from the heat.
And after that small foray into the creative arts of planting up it was back to the day job. Harvesting tomatoes. Hiding indoors, and giving the seedlings in the potting shed a drenching.
Need to get the strawberries planted up. Tomorrow perhaps.