
flowersWell it’s been neglect all round. Too much time spent indoors up a ladder painting ceilings and not enough time weeding. But the end of the house renovations is in sight. I am planning on everything finishing by next Friday. And then I return to gardening, and researching, and feeding house guests.

But last night I had a lovely session doing the first watering.   We had a downfall of rain on Thursday afternoon that has kept things ticking over nicely for a few days now.   And I’m thrilled that so many things are alive and many are thriving. lilies potager

first tomatoes 2010I ate the first gardener’s delight tomato off the vine.   And munched on bolting lettuce as I passed.   Plenty of herbs, plenty of beans coming along. And at last, plenty of lilies.

These are my edging plants around the middle of the design in the lower vegetable bed. Not much use when green; but now they are divine. I have a large bunch in the house to scent the late evening cooking sessions.   And watering is fun when you can stand so close to them and inhale.   Artur the cat from next door seems to like them too. He is forever haunting the area when I water. He doesn’t meaow – but sort of appears out of the corner of my eye when I snake my hose about the paths.   His favourite spot is just behind the cassis bushes. cosmos end july