Confessions of a grass addict

Ah, the 9th of the 9th of the nine. Such a pretty date. And the question is, will you remember what you did on this day? I can’t remember what I was doing on the 8th of the 8th 08 or 88, but I do recall the 7th of the 7th 1977. I was in Miss Hind’s mathematics class getting yelled at for not understanding long division. In fact writing that date was probably the only numbers fun I had in all my short years of trying to understand maths. I was quietly ‘let go’ from studying maths at the age of 15 as I was bringing down the average of the entire class. Now that was maths I could understand. Very competitive school. And geography and ancient history were just my thing instead.

But what has this to do with addiction? Nothing, unless you call it addition. And addition is very much on my mind. I have added to the stock of ornamental grasses in a big way this past week. Curse the lure of a half price plant sale. Gamm Vert is a huge chain of plant nurseries in France. Quite good, but tens to be expensive as you are lured by so many goodies when you cruise the aisles.   So when I saw a big sign saying ornamental grasses 2 euros 20 as I was driving past the St Peray branch, why, I simply had to go to the next roundabout, double back on myself and go in.Grasses from Gamm Vert

Heaven. Pennisetums in abundance, and some stipas too. Most stipas I grow from seed, but how could I resist? Plus they were light to carry and I didn’t have to strain my back putting them into the car and then out into the garden.

But what are those little pots to the right? It’s like being a shoe addict and trying to hide the boxes. This blog can be very confessional. Gaura plants is all. Dwarf varieties that I want to weave in between the pennisetum grasses along the chestnut fence. Plus a few larger gauras (only 2 euros, honest) for the top side of the path. When Nicolas finishes the wall.

46 pennisetumsI soaked the pots in the wheelbarrow (never to be lifted again if my back muscles are to be obeyed) and then planted them out along the rest of the chestnut fence.

Here’s hoping they won’t whither (is that how it’s spelled?) and die while I’m away.

And all the rest of the seedlings and plants are in that same limbo. The weather is promising to be warm and sunny for yet another week. So most of the plants are in the shade of a cherry tree up near the potting shed. September potting shed contents

And the stipas? I planted them in front of the ornamental grasses that are quietly making inroads into the gravel in the courtyard. Long may they thrive.New stipas