April flower bouquets
I’ve just squeaked in with my monthly picture essay of flower bouquets.
If I had to summarise this month I would say – great garden, rubbish gardener. Everything is fluffy and gorgeous and full of promise. Gorgeous spring.
But this wretched knee and back injury is slowing me down. And dare I confess, getting me down.
Two visits to the osteopath on the plus side. Everything else is on the minus front. Unless you count discovering the amazing restorative powers of the afternoon nap.
I know! Not even 60 years of age yet and I have finally managed a siesta just after lunch and just after taking another painkiller. I lie down in my gorgeous office, snuggle under a sleeping bag (lightweight so it doesn’t weigh on the old knee), put the alarm for an hour ahead and doze.
It’s brilliant. And it gives me the pep for the rest of the afternoon and night.
My father was the master of the power nap. Usually somewhere soft and comfy, but he was known to go off and lie behind bushes in the garden, or even under his desk before he retired. He eventually had to put a note on his door to prevent students walking in, finding him on the ground, panicking and attempting resuscitation.
I claimed never to ‘get them’. I did try. Often taking to the horizontal and then being bothered by a fly in the room, or an incoming What’s App conversation, or a too gripping page turning book.
This month I have mastered them.
I missed out on one yesterday and really struggled around 7pm. Sitting upright is not my thing. Everything aches.
But mustn’t grumble. By the middle of the month I was even able to bend down enough to cut tulips for the bouquets.
My photography skills seem to have deserted me. But once you start this lark you have to push on.
A bit like my chore list even using crutches and being cranky.