Apricot blossom
This really shouldn’t go without a photo.
Blossom. On the apricot tree.
For the past two years this tree has been slammed by late frosts.
So to see bees working away at the flowers in March for the first time is beyond exciting.
Dare I say ‘I have hopes’?
Hopes for fat juicy Bergeron apricots in July.
Or as The Creature would probably say ….’dream on’.
This is her in her favourite yoga pose of a morning. Snuggling, cuddling and interrupting my ability to read the paper online.
She dreams of mice. Or warm humans.
I dream of juicy apricots.
26th March 2023 @ 10:29 am
Bergeron apricots you can pick from your very own office terrace! Now that’s what I call luxury. Online Sunday paper and cat-on-lap optional. But nice. I have a little potted apricot rescued from a friend’s garden, tucked against a South-facing wall. Blossom opening now, bees exploring. In my climate, crossing all fingers and toes may not be enough to ensure the appearance of apricots. But then, last year I ate a fig from the garden. So who knows. Snow forecast next week. What people here call ‘the cuckoo’s snow’, as ususally the last flurries coincide with hearing the first cuckoo of the year.