A little less progress

clover sownI can’t tick much off my list. Where did the day go?

It was another sun hat sunny day. Bliss.  I did start by sowing the last of my most urgent seeds.  I knew I had a packet of the new Brokali somewhere – it’s a cross between brocolli and kale – and I found it on my seed table, but underneath the quinoa seeds.

So that’s a relief.  And I managed a few extra flowers and foliage plants just for fun.  I love the start of the season when you imagine everything will germinate and won’t die in their pots, and you will arrive just in time to prick them out and everything will go smoothly.

But life is unpredictable. As is the weather forecast. Tomorrow’s forecast said Rain. (or in my case Pluie.) so I decided to sow all the red clover seeds as an annual ground cover for most of the top vegetable bed.

And sow wildflower seed mix (heavenly Pictorial Meadows) in the bed above the swimming pool. All in anticipation of a good steady drenching tomorrow.  But a lunchtime check showed me that it’s going to be lovely and sunny for three more days. So out came the hose (fancy!) and I had to water the garden after hoeing, raking and sowing.

The rest of the day was spent cutting back perennials in the shade garden and terrace bank above the potting shed, fending off Artur who was Mister Clingy, and generally not getting things done.

Well, I did have to nip up to town for supplies which ate into my afternoon, but really. I must do more tomorrow. Time is getting away from me already. And it’s only March.