Working vs Sowing

Moi, putting off my day job by sowing lots of seeds? Well, guilty I’m afraid. I couldn’t resist ‘doing’ my half-hardy flowers into some jiffy pots. They all come from Sarah Raven’s Cutting Garden. And I must say that there were very few seeds in some of the fiddly packets. I’ll have to harvest my own seeds of the following later in the year:

– Nicotiana alata Lime Green
– Salpiglossis Chocolate
– Antirrhinum F1 White

Some of the seeds were so teensy (think grains of fine sand) that I had to use tweezers to get them into their little pots. Onto the kitchen window sill and wait until the seedlings appear.

Flower: Antirrhinum F1 White
How many?: 6
How planted?: Jiffy 7s
Notes: Kitchen window sill

Flower: Molucella Laevis bells of Ireland
How many?: 6
How planted?: Jiffy 7s
Notes: Kitchen window sill

Flower: Salpiglossis ‘chocolate’
How many?: 6
How planted?: Jiffy 7s
Notes: Kitchen window sill

Flower: Nicotiana alata ‘Lime Green’
How many?: 6
How planted?: Jiffy 7s
Notes: Kitchen window sill

Flower: American Spider Flower HC
How many?: 18
How planted?: Jiffy 7s
Notes: Kitchen window sill

Vegetable: Tomato Tumbler F1
How many?: 4
How planted?: Jiffy 7s
Notes: Kitchen window sill

Vegetable: Pepper Gypsy F1
How many?: 4
How planted?: Jiffy 7s
Notes: Kitchen window sill

Vegetable: Early PS Broccoli Rudolph
How many?: 8
How planted?: Jiffy 7s
Notes: Kitchen window sill

Vegetable: Cabbage Vertus
How many?: 8
How planted?: Jiffy 7s
Notes: Kitchen window sill

Vegetable: Kale Red Bor F1
How many?: 8
How planted?: Jiffy 7s
Notes: Kitchen window sill