Transplanting irises

Can one be allergic to heat? I feel under the weather and wonder if it is a late season hay fever, or just the body’s despair at yet more blasted heat.

Heatwave number three this year.

IMG_8700I realize that there is very little I can do in the garden right now. Unless I get up at 6am and go back out after 7pm. These are not sociable hours.

So I am snatching at tasks and doing that fast scuttle back inside when I realize I’m woozy.

At least my office is clean(ish).

And I’ve not written so many letters in ages.  I have a new journal just started. Transcribing all the information over is a happy afternoon of toil.


Oh and I’ve painted my new screen. I found this large four panelled (heavy) wooden screen in my favourite Depot Vente junk shop.

IMG_8458I shouldn’t call it junk. There are treasures there.

You just have to look beyond some sIMG_8463urface decoration every now and then to find the beauty underneath.

Sadly this beauty did not stay on the screen .

She was very twee. At the moment I’m just pegging images onto a line of fishing line with little pegs. But I’ll put more effort into it later.

Because I can offer some garden news: iris transplanting.


It makes it sound very grand. But it’s simply a matter of getting a good fork under a clump of irises, heaving like mad. And then separating the bulbs into smaller groups.


Shove in a bucket of water for half an hour.


Dig a hole and replant.

Gee thanks. I thought this was a gardening blog. Details, techniques, advice.

Not today. Not in this heat.


I have lots of spare irises and they are all going to add a bit more green to the harsh lines of the new garden area.

And it’s the only thing I can do right now that says outdoor creativity.

IMG_8693I need to double the rows of plants. It looks like a fringe on a very sparse head.

So next week I should have more to tell. The heatwave is going to sort of break on Sunday, and then it just hots up again.

So no post on the weekend. I have house guests and entertaining and even I can’t eke out gardening news right now. Back Tuesday. Happy weekend.