The source of the smile

Rain at last. Something everyone in the region has been hoping for. Maybe the water situation will improve. Yesterday we spent a good morning clearing out our water source, unblocking about two years worth of weeds which was slowing down the inlet pipe. It was a bit of a mystery where the source of the water is. I thought it might be way up in the forest. But no. It’s just a hundred metres behind the house. In a little dip of land (nicely lush with pale green broom plants) and with some good rich soil. Naturally as a greedy gardener I excavated a whole wheelbarrow full of the soil as I was searching for the concrete block that was hidden up there. The soil will go to build the lower artichoke bed. And then it was lift the block, don gloves and clean and clear and poke with sticks to try and clear the pipe.

I had to call on reinforcements in the form of some piping from Dario’s magic builder’s truck (love how they have everything including spare kitchen sinks in their vans) and with help from David we cleared the whole lot of obstructions. Lovely. But as the town water pipes are frozen we know exactly what we have left for the winter. One tank of about 10 cubic metres. Heaps really, but no more lingering showers for a while. It’s a bit like the wood pile. You think there is an embarrassment of riches there, until you see how many logs it takes to keep our wonderful fireplace roaring all day. The walls of the house are so thick that once the home heats up it doesn’t require much central heating fuel to keep it toasty. In fact we turn down all the radiators once the house gets up to the right temperature. They built buildings properly back in the eighteenth century.

But was there gardening along with the excavation work? Alas no. Down to town to buy a strimmer and all sorts of petrol powered goodies. Not back until after 7pm, but with some valuable garden treats. Today (in the rain) I shall put the newly purchased bark chips down on the path in the vegetable garden. That ought to cover up the weed proof fabric nicely. Mind you the variety of bark chip colours was a bit alarming. Who on earth would want painted blocks of maroon wood chips anywhere near their plants? Or lime green for that matter? I am hoping for the same effect as the garden in London. Just dark brown chips that resemble soil and don’t stand out. Hope the rummage I had in the bags as I was lifting them means I have bought the right thing.