Short back and sides
Now that’s a fetching sight: I do so love these tricky steps trimmed. Grass on steps only looks good for about three days a month. The rest of the time you walk up them or past them and say to yourself: I really need to get out the strimmer and sort that out.
And of course the wildflowers get in among the bald bits and really take off.
Alice’s path is suffering from that phenomenon a bit this year. You take your eye off one area of the garden and this is the result. I seem to recall getting on hands and knees and physically yanking out every unwanted wildflower on this path. And I suspect I will have to do it again in June. I have bought a little extra grass seed to sow on these bits. But unless it rains, there’s no point sowing.
And here’s another project waiting for some spare time. These box balls need to be planted in the new bed under the white wisteria. But I can’t do it now as the tulips are just about to leap into flower and I haven’t the heart to yank them out just yet.
I’ll have to wait, then carefully dig up the whole bed and position these beauties in a frighteningly neat grid pattern and pretend I belong to a chic designed garden club.