Here we go round the mulberry bush

wild boarNow that was a lovely breakfast treat. I was at the kitchen sink this morning, filling the kettle for tea.

I glanced out the window and instead of looking up to the mountains I looked down. I often look down the terraces in case there is something wild and interesting happening on the lower part of the farm.

And under our large mulberry tree in the garden there was some furious munching activity.

Wild boar! wild boar babies

They were there long enough for me to fetch my camera and try and capture some shots.  I couldn’t see a very large mother in the brood. Just the kids. By the look of it, these are the first generation of boar (three of them), and running behind were the babies from this year.

The amazing thing was it was after 730am. These very reticent creatures are usually back up the mountain and hiding for the day at this time.

Off they ran and to my utter delight I counted seven little piglets. Now that is what I call a great start to the day.