Cabbage moth beats me to it
Sorry, it’s hardly a poetic title. Gillie and I were netting the cabbage in the potager and we found eggs laid already on the leaves.
A quick squish and on went the nets. Just in time.
The tricky thing with these anti cabbage moth butterfly nets is you can’t really get in under the supports and have a good weed or careful tend to the leaves. So once the nets are down, the veg has to fend for itself.
Luckily I have lots and lots of spares in the potting shed.
And a guardian of the leaves up there includes nets plus cat.
Yes, Artur makes a return to these pages. He hasn’t left the potting shed for days and days.
And I don’t think he would notice a butterfly coming in any of the open windows. He would have to have his eyes open for that.
Still he is a happy cat. I am gradually removing plants from his sleeping spots and planting them out. Give me a week and he will be languishing on bare shelves.
The sun shone brilliantly today – so much so that I was hiding in the shade doing tedious jobs just to avoid over exerting myself. You don’t get action shots of the pebbles I picked out of the edge of the pool garden. I need to work on them tomorrow, it’s the last of the flood damage. So much storm water and soil washed over the river stones beside the pool (and in it) that it’s more of a soupy soil ripe for weeds.
I did weed the steep bank above the lawn. And Gillie finished pruning back all the santolinas in the barn garden. And not only that, she has opened the swimming season. What a house guest.