Alfresco dining
This is a first for the year. Eating outdoors on a perfectly calm and warm evening. Cherry blossoms all around us, and dinner of fresh from the garden asparagus and purple sprouting brocolli. Too good.
I was out all morning and early afternoon running errands, so I only managed to get back into the garden later than planned. And it had the languid feel of summer. It’s warm for the season. And I seemed to trudge and droop apace.
I watered rows of crops (also drooping), planted out ten nasturtium plants in the new wisteria bed, made some nifty new hoops for deer protecting nets. Chased two cabbage moth butterflies out from under the nets on the cabbage plants, and generally felt I had so much to do and no energy to do it.
The lawn clippings which I bagged up yesterday are still in their bags. But at least I moved them up near their final destination – the top vegetable bed. But I have yet to drag down two heavy sacks of Floragard (best potting mixture in existence). They are propped up against a tree where I dumped them out of the car. We don’t often have that brand available at our local garden centre, so you do have to swoop when they turn up.
I did move lots of cosmos and spare cabbage plants to the north side of the potting shed outdoors. It’s getting too warm for them indoors (even with lots of windows open). I’m finding I have to water twice a day right now. And I’m thinking of moving more tomorrow. This warm weather, without any rain is set to continue.
I did dig up three eragrostis grasses for Leslie. And even got to far as to take out her big bag of top secret big birthday present bulbs to try and pot them up. But I was defeated. There are fifty of them to get into some large pots and then hidden outdoors in the shade. They would cook inside. But there’s always tomorrow for those.
What I really need to do is to get things into the ground. So with that stern speaking to, I trotted off (slowly) to the lower potager and sowed three rows of veg: beetroot bolthardy, turnip oasis and swede ruby. That felt satisfying. And with a good night’s sleep and plenty of list writing at breakfast I may, just may, get more done.