A reddish tinge

red epicureI am starting to doubt the spelling of the word tinge. Is that right? It looks odd.

But not as odd as the broad beans I picked this afternoon. I just went down to check the plant label I left in the ground.  It is called Red Epicure. And I thought that meant the flowers would be red.

I’ve had some wonderful red flowering broadies before.  But this was a surprise. A normal green outer layer and then red beans within. Most curious.

And of course, it’s only the outer layer that is red. Once cooked and peeled (yes, I peel the beans when they are a little aged) they are the zinging green within.  lilies

I’ll be planting these ones again next year. If I remember.

One thing I don’t have to remember is the annual appearance of these lilies. I planted them in the large wine barrell near the herb garden and they come back year after year.

I almost don’t dare dig them up.  But I need to sort out the barrell as it’s not very successful befoer the lilies kick in. I’m thinking of using the cheat plant that solves all problems. Sedums.  But there are a few more lilies to cut from the barrell before I decide on any radical plan.