Wildlife in the garden (shed)

1arturonpathI tell you I never know where I will trip over or walk on the little critter at the moment.

It is warm and dry and Artur, sporting a very natty fur coat is forever moving about, trying to find somewhere with a breeze but also shaded.

He tends to start off in the potager – in the morning sun. He will then move over to the pool area if the deer aren’t about. And by mid morning I can expect to find him in the potting shed.

He seems to like climbing in among the plants for a bit of variety.

Today I found him right next to the iris in the barn garden. And I swear my heart stopped as he looked dead. 1arturingrass1

An expired hot cat.

But his tail switched and he lumbered up when I called him and then I was granted a lap sit and a chat before he sloped off to find more shade.

I am relieved.