Warm weeding work

This month is going by so fast. Today I did what felt like my first proper gardening: I weeded the two potagers. Warm work but satisfying as this strong rain we have endured the past few days has meant many weeds. I cut the brambles that persisted around the top potager fencing. And even had time to cut some roses for the vases in the house. The garish red rose in the top courtyard is not long for this world I think. It gives little pleasure. But I’m loathe to remove something so large and abundant in flowers. But to me, roses must work for their space. Lots of flowers, extraordinary colour and above all, scent. This poor one has thorns, bare branches and lots of over red (orangey) flowers. I tried to cut them for the vase but really they are all too floppy or else to short. I shall ponder their fate while I read the David Austin Rose catalogue tonight. 

One thing I was rejoicing today is that at long last I have a chook bucket. And my family will understand the importance of that. Having a part time life on a farm as a child, the chook bucket was the essential place for all vegetable and fruit scraps. Having the compost bin and the means to put scraps in them is so satisfying. And I feel I have come at last to a place where I can practice what I yearn. Naturally I will shriek with horror when I find rats or mice in the bin; and probably revert. But right now I feel a very shiny halo of recycling about my self.