
DSC00056Boy am I tardy. Days late for news.  We had the most amazing thunderstorm last night – easily our best yet. We saw it coming from about 40km away and just had to wait the hour it took to reach us. And it was like being inside a Chinese fireworks factory. With jumbo jets roaring overhead. Roaring, flashing and pelting us with rain.

The rain was the best bit. We had an inch and a half. So I woke up with quite a smile on my face.  And it was cool for the first time in a month.

Naturally this would have been the perfect weather to plant out lettuce, sow carrot seeds, and generally get things tidied and weeded.

Alack, I had indoor chores to do instead.

Luckily Artur sought me out thrice during my sorties and managed some serious lap sitting and moulting all over my black t shirt.  And purring and generally giving me a happy ten minutes while I picked basil and parsley (pesto and bits for hummus) and moved the robot about the pool.