Sneezing season

002One terrace strimmed, one hanky sodden and the sneezing season has begun.  Each year I wonder if I’m cured of hayfever.  I suppose it’s not wise the test it out by wading into thigh high grass and cutting it like mad.

But there you go. Another year, another dose of antihistamine to get me through the day.

But what a day. Sunshine and a light wind. Perfect for drying the grass.

I’ve ‘done’ the second terrace below the road. It’s too wonky and full of hidden rocks to be able to get a mower onto it. So I must strim.

And if I were good I’d rake. But it would be one swish, one sneeze and one groan. So I’m pretending I don’t need to do it for now. I could murder a House Elf to clean up behind me.