Lavender planting

IMG_9360The bliss of cooler weather.

I waved farewell to the last of the summer guests and positively twinkled up to the potting shed to grab my tools.

I felt the need to get back in the swing of creativity by doing a spot of lavender planting.


Peter had very kindly strimmed this part of the east garden and even went as far as to dig out the drain where the mountain floods in wet weather.

So it was a delight to turn my attention to the top of this bank.

I’ve mulched it with lots of grass cuttings for a month or so now.  (Hard to distinguish cut parched grass from cut parched lawn, sorry about that. There is a small curving chestnut barrier between the two.)

IMG_9369I knew this curve was just crying out for a bit of fun.  And this hot summer has told me that there are benefits in putting mediterranean plants to lift the spirits.

And these little lavender grossos were struck from cuttings. So I am as proud as can be that they have turned into little plants.


The preparation for my planting always takes much, much longer than I expect.   Hours of work for just seven little plants.  But it is worth it.

IMG_9444Deep planting holes, lots of mulch and watch the curve. I found I was going a bit straight as I forgot to stand back and study the lie of the land.

But with a bit of dextrous shifting (especially when I realized I was sitting on an ant’s nest) the curve of the stone wall is now repeated in the plants.

Pleased with this.
