Jungle bunny

I felt like a rainforest logger: taking away Artur’s jungle paradise.

When the cat isn’t smooching with me; or dozing in the potting shed, he comes up to the asparagus bed and lies in the cool shade.

I hadn’t really thought about it from a small animal’s point of view. But this really is paradise.   The tall fronds of the asparagus plants filter out the sunlight, and it’s wonderfully shaded until about 11am.

But I needed to weed, so I disturbed his lovely dozing morning and set to, pulling out the worst of the invasive weeds.

There are plenty of clover here which I tried to leave alone, but at least it looks a bit more tamed.

Artur was disgusted and stalked off to the potting shed to sulk. Or if you aren’t anthropomorphic, the cat moved off to find some better shade.

I had to plan an annoying job first thing in the cool of the morning. I had to drag all the sticks and chipping material out of the corner of the house all the way up to a spare bit of land in the parking area.   A good 50 metre drag. Uphill.

The chipper has died. (It took the local agricultural company three weeks to diagnose this). So I need to do some research about broyeurs du jardin and grit my teeth for the investment. We’ve only had the chipper four years and it doesn’t get heavy use.

But the sticks I have been piling up near the house are unsightly. So they had to be moved aside.   It could be months before I manage to track down a new machine.

At least I hauled the sticks while it was cool and breezy. I love that time of the day here. The cool before the roasting heat of summer.