June roses

Back and forth, back and forth. I am plodding the London streets running errands and gawping at roses.

And no, I’m not wheelbarrowing 400 bricks. That job went into the too hard basket. And I have decided that if I can travel back to London before the dread clearing event at the allotment, I’ll do it then.

It will be touch and go with surging Covid cases in Blighty, but I just ran out of time.

So here are a few of the lovelies I have walked past this week.

I just love how they all spill out onto the pavements so they delight more than just their garden owners.

Those white ones were calling out for a pair of secateurs to snip… Didn’t I show remarkable restraint?

I had a pair in my pocket at the time.

Next post – back to the proper garden.