Green keeping

It almost looks back to normal. If you stand back and squint.

This was one monstrous jigsaw puzzle of turf and mud. When you first kneel down there is just a mass of mess and you have no idea where to start.

But I now can add repairing wild boar damage to my Skills in the Garden list.

You start from the outside of the gaps and work your way in. I was amazed just how far some of the clods of earth were tossed. There must have been one hefty boar in among the scrum of snouts.

But it’s going to be uncomfortable mowing this terrace in spring; I definitely have some dips and hollows that I just can’t repair.  And I don’t have any wheelbarrows of topsoil just hanging about waiting to be used.  So it’s going to be a rough and ready lawn rather than the rather impressive sward before the boar swooped.

And what’s to stop them coming again for a rummage? So no point putting everything back to tip top order just yet.