Belated new year

Happy new year.   Well, I missed the calender one, but I’ve just squeaked into Chinese New Year. It’s so, so wonderful to be back. I have been away for a shameful seven weeks.

Driving up to the house this afternoon I was looking carefully for any damage or dramas but everything is just wintry and still. It doesn’t look like we’ve had any major storms or bad weather. In fact it’s all just fantastically normal. Weeds of course. The weather has been too mild to slow things down completely, but it still is a wintry garden. sun kicks

And within ten minutes of my arrival I had my own Chinese Year of the Dragon demonstration by a very plump and vocal Artur. He howled and yowled and stalked about. And I am delighted to see him.

greying ulysseThe horses are at hand as well. I have given two apples to a very greying Ulysse – he whinneyed excitedly, but it was all cupboard love. Jean Daniel has put him on the lower terraces as there is very little feed. And he chased me all the way down to the lowest path where I collected our infra red trail camera.

All his Arab horses go white eventually, and this four year old is taking on the hues of the rest quite quickly.   I must take care to feed him apples every day. I need his manure.

The potting shed is a haven of warmth. A bit too warm for some of the plants. But I have some germinating gaura seedlings which is fun. And once I watered all the rest I even have a thriving little garden colony in there. I had no time to really inspect things. I wanted to do a lap around the garden while it was still light. fireplace

And of course I had to have my plump little helper stalking me all the way.

Right now I am perched very very close to the roaring fire while I try and defrost the house. More news soon.