An Ardèche sense of style

It looks so effortless. But years of good design sometimes go into the simplest things.

These are a few scenes from Andrew’s home. The woven basket up in the hay loft above the barm.  The alliums drying en masse on a marble table in the kitchen.

I love them.

So much so I’m going full size on this one. Back after you have ogled the pic.


Allium christophii, I think. And the wacky ones at the back with the curvy stems are allium atropurpureum.

1andewlilyscaleAnd on our walk around the cut flower garden it was fun to see just how jungly the lilies are this year.

I made Andrew stand next to them just to give you a sense of the scale of the wonderful beasties.

What an obliging friend.

There are so many flowers here ready for the Saturday market. If you are in the region of Les Vans on a Saturday morning, do drop by his stall and see them in their bouquets.1andrewlilyforest

To the left of Andrew in this shot are gladiolus. And lots of dahlias are in the background.  And one of the dahlias is even in flower. So early in the season.

It has been warm and dry this past six weeks. And if you ignore the annoying wind, it is perfect cut flower growing weather.