A very unexpected surprise

You haven’t seen much of the terrace directly below the pool this summer. It’s the orchard. And it’s a bit of a disaster. See, gardeners can’t gloat for long over successful parts of their large gardens. There is always one area that looms to dishearten.

Two of my apple trees have died this year. One over the winter, fair enough. But my English apple tree (is it Falstaff? I must check) died mid season. I can’t see why, but I will definitely investigate before I plant any more.

Most of the other trees had their usual peach leaf curl. Well, I think it has diminished a bit this year, but it is still a distressing sight.

And I had though the nectarine was very pooly with its infestation. But I put away the mower this afternoon, mooched past the tree, and found fruit. And not only fruit, but ripe fruit, delicious juicy rich nectarine heaven. The sort that you would poach lightly and swoon with a spoon of creme fraiche.

And as an even better treat. No worms inside.   One does eat stone fruit carefully around here. But it was perfect.   And gives me heart that although my trees are small and poorly, something went right.